Portrait of an Australian Story Keeper

“The Story Keeper” Acrylic on stretched canvas. 61cm x 92cm.

Australian gum trees fascinate me. The extraordinary colours ripple through the bark and change with the light.
Every time I see this magnificent ancient, I am moved to wonder at the stories held within its heart. I will never tire of the times I spend in its shade, or of the wild things which wend their way through its roots, branches and whispering leaves. There is no sadness here. I feel a depth of joy which is difficult to comprehend, but seeps into my soul.
I do hope I have done it justice in this textured acrylic. I used my pallet knives with care, feeling the very essence of the bark. I wanted this to be an artwork to not only view, but to touch and go at least a little way to connect with one’s dreams and quiet contemplations.

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